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Episode #8 Finding Your Record

Beloved Star of Worlds,

Welcome to Immortal Starlight Dream Pod Episode #8: Finding your Record I share here of the beautiful process of discovering Silver Wheel, the Elven Celestial teachings for the Dawn, in the form of the Deerskin Book. And of how the Silver Wheel was created as a time capsule during Lemuria for Now.

And I hold a transmission and a teaching to help you access the moment your Record was wrought, created in the inter-dimensional realms ~ the wisdom that you are here to share for the Dawn.

Because accessing our inter-dimensional Record is one of the most beautiful and fulfilling experiences in all of existence ~ so ecstatic, wonder-filled, bliss-filled and numinous ~ I share keys on how to do this in a state of sustained balance. To become consistent in your access to your record, your inter-dimensional knowing and wisdom and remembrance.

I so look forward to sharing this beautiful Imbolc Stargate transmission with you ~ my goodness the Records shone through with inter-dimensional wonder as I created the Pod ~ and my prayer is that you receive a wondrous moment of Divine Access!

With Infinite, Starlight Love



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