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Episode #22 White Phoenix

Beloved Star of Worlds,

Welcome to Immortal Starlight Pod #22 ~ White Phoenix

The White Phoenix is the most incredibly powerful and beautiful guide to support us through this tidal wave of delicately layered and vast transfiguration we are experiencing! I share more about the energies of our transfiguration in this Now moment, and how the White Phoenix, an Immortal Bird beyond this world, who builds its nest, its pyre of sacred fragrant boughs and resins, before burning to ashes and being reborn, can illustrate the phases of this.

There are mysteries of transfiguration, of alchemy contained within this beautiful tale ~ emblematic of our Ascension and return

And especially of the powerful delicate layers of this now moment, so infused with creation and release ~ with a vastly powerful transfiguration

Beautiful Elven Light Language transmission at the end! With Infinite,

Elfin Love,



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