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Elven Starlight Shamanic 1-1

with Elen


AnĀ Elven Starlight Session with Elen brings two main gifts to support your Ascension and Return:Ā Elven Starlight Soul Reading, and White Starlight Healing.Ā The Reading brings through information about who you are, and where you come from. Your own remembrance from the stars, galactic, stellar, celestial; the Great Starlight Ages of Earth, of the Elder Eras of Light. The Healing bringsĀ a white starlight stream of healing energy from the Elven, clearing blocks and limits, bringing you into alignment with this One Who You Are, your own Oversoul I AM radiance for the Dawn.

Both of these gifts will twine through your Elven Starlight SessionĀ 


Discover the Elven Starlight Soul Reading...Ā 


Would you love to remember who you are, accessingĀ memories of the earth, the stars, galactic realms and parallel Universe of Light, from where you bring waysĀ of ancient, eternal grace for the Dawn

Through the overtones and harmonics of the Elven language of the stars, and the sounding of the shamanic drum, Elen activates these gifts and soul qualities, channelling information and remembrance. The Elven Ones and Star Elders summon you into a new phase, where you have access to this remembrance, so that you can gift these ancient and timeless gifts in a New Dawn of Peace upon Earth.

Remember your walk through the great Diamond Suns, the Golden Ages of the Earth, and expand into your full galactic, stellar and Celestial heritage. There has been a long era of silence and invisibility, as the veils of forgetfulness have fallen. Yet it is now a time of remembrance, a New Cycle of Light arrives on earth, and we are able to access and integrate that which we hold in these realms and dimensions. We are ready to embrace our Celestial, Avatar and Iconic multi-dimensionality for the Dawn.

An Elven Soul Reading powerfully unlocks the seals to remembrance, clearing inhibitions to this level of inner radiance and remembrance. The Elven Ones summon you into a new dimensional existence, re-weaving your energy signature so that you shine as a Star of the Dawn, fulfilling the destiny so long ago begun.


Ā Discover the White Starlight Soul Healing...


Ā This healing brings purification and return to Immortal Oversoul embodiment. It is a purity, a radiance, an ascension and a return to the Earth.Ā 

Ā Elen channels this healing through the shamanic drum, and the Elven language and song of the stars. It is a profoundly transformative, core vibrational shamanic healing, working with the seventh-dimensional Light of the Elven Ones to transfigure the energy signature of your experience. It is truly beautiful, and carries you into a deeply activated otherworldly spaciousness.

This beautiful White Starlight Soul Healing supports the release of all that binds you to the old paradigm ~ the seals and blocks and limitations of the last aeon. For many of us it is many lifetimes since we have embodied such a powerful radiance upon the Earth, and walked as the true Shining Ones and Angelic Elders that we are. There are blocks and fears, traumas and karmic imprints that create a schism between our Immortal Starlight, our ascended and otherworldly grace, and this NOW moment. More and more remembrance is flowing in, and we are ready to become whole again, and completely ourselves.

EnterĀ into the White Starlight Healing Temple of the Elven

This portal into the Elven realms, into the ascended star realms of the Earth, acceleratesĀ a vibrational shift into your Dawn Star embodiment



Both the gifts of the Elven Soul Reading & White Starlight Healing twine through your session. We shall speak together and attune to what you most need & would love when we meet!

Book Your Elven Starlight Session BelowĀ 

Investment Ā£222

1 Hour Zoom Call with Elen


Step into theĀ Star of your Eternal, Immortal Light, become the Visible Dawn!

ā€œThis is such a heartfelt thank you to a truly beautiful, shining and pure soul.

Elen your gentle yet very powerful ability to hold Sacred space for our reconnection and remembering of who we are is profound. No words can truly capture the magnificence of your gifts to the world. All I can say is thank you dear one, thank you.ā€

~ Isobel Stamford, Fife, Scotland

ā€œOh!! WOW!!! dear Elen, it was so beautiful. Thank you so much, from the deepest of my heart. Ā My body landed on the sofa, and it started at once. Very high, soft energies all around me.

After receiving your beautiful transcribe this afternoon ā¤ THANK YOU ā¤ I sat down and asked for assistance to download these Dragon Pearls you wrote about. It started at once ā¤ I sat for such about an hour, and it kept on downloading. Very high and beautiful energies. For a while, I could feel very powerful energies in my hands, like I can never remember to have had ever before.ā€

~ Anna~Lise, Norway

ā€œThankyou for a truly empowering and magical healing.

It is obvious that Elen has an in depth understanding of the subtleties of introducing healing into anotherā€™s life. She does this in a deeply caring, conscious and empathetic way. A mere two sessions with Elen have enabled me to completely resolve a long-standing inner conflict of mine. As a result I now feel empowered, even liberated, and have a deep sense of peace.ā€

~ Grace, Wales

ā€˜I had no idea what to expectā€¦as always my interactions with Elen are a deep calling from my heart and bypass my logical mind. As I walked in through the door all the tensions from the journey evaporated and I was welcomed in by her gentle warmth and radiance. She embodies her Elven teachings and I can effortlessly imagine her shining her light at Rivendell in Lord of the Rings!

I lay down on a sheepskin rug and Elen wrapped me in a cosy blanket. All I had to do was close my eyes and relax, while she drummed and chanted in Elvish. I usually find it very hard to relax but before long all sense of time had disappeared. I wasnā€™t conscious of a great deal except her presence, which sometimes felt soft and gentle and sometimes fierce and warrior-like as if there were other people present.Ā 

As Elen explained what she picked up through the session I felt ā€˜knownā€™ and loved. She explained that the crystal pyramid Iā€™d envisioned was the Andromeda star energy pouring in to my heart. She told me how I had a massive capacity for love but as Iā€™d felt so hurt in this life Iā€™d blocked a lot of that. It has only been in the last three years or so (and Iā€™m 61 now) that Iā€™ve begun to sense this wealth of love energyā€¦and in fact since this session Iā€™ve become more and more aware of this Andromeda energy making its presence felt in my life and being key to my legacy project which Iā€™ve recently starting developing.

Ever since I was a child Iā€™ve wanted to experience the magic of lifeā€¦real magicā€¦and have never really felt like I come from this planet. Through Elen Iā€™m beginning to experience this Elven magic and recognise that Iā€™m deeply connected to this star realmā€¦at last I feel Iā€™m coming home.ā€™

~ Francesca, Wales

If you have any questions, please do email Elen at [email protected]

Sign Up for Waiting List

If calendar above has no available dates, sign up for the waiting list, and I shall let youĀ know when more 1-1 Sessions become available!

ā€œElen is a deeply inspired and inspiring spiritual teacher and healer.

She works with a grace and compassionate wisdom that enable profound transformations to happen. The purity, light and shimmering strength of her presence show how she is embodying in herself what she shares with others. It is a deeply joyful experience to be with her, and with the exquisite energies of the Silver Wheel teachings which she transmits with such radiance and blessing.:

~ Clara Goodheart, Vezelay, France