Elven Aurora Portal

Online Shamanic Journeys with the Elven


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Elven Ascension & Remembrance Online Membership

đź’« Once Weeky LIVE Elven Lodge via Zoom with Elen

đź’« Beyond beautiful Elven Library & Archive of transmissions, meditations & Ascension teachings. ALL REPLAYS AVAILABLE

đź’« Beautiful Kindred Starlight Community of Dawn

đź’« Make a Quantum Leap into your Ascension ~ receive consistent information & guidance from your Soul Star


Ancient, Angelic Starlight Soul,

Expand into your ethereal, otherworldly remembrance as never before 

Access more fully and deeply the record you hold

All that you need is within you. Remember, ascend, and Return as the One Who You Are




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For so you are destined to do ~ to activate the quantum golden orbs of far time ~ ancient, future & timeless

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Access the record, travel beyond the veils, remember and remember who you are. The untold beauty of a record within that has been lost

It is no longer time to disappear, to vanish or elide into the dreams of others ~ to hide this Vast Light


For you came here from otherworlds, carrying vast wisdom for the Dawn. There is so much within you

You are an inter-dimensional Soul, an Angelic Solar Elder of Dawn

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The records of who we truly are call to be remembered and brought forth, honoured and made visible



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Our true remembrance has been hidden in the ice and snows of far time during the last era. We have walked a vast winter when remembrance has faded, and silence has fallen. The Great Starlight Ages of Peace, the vast record of Earth & of the stars, of who we are, have been forgotten

Yet this is the Dawn of a New Era of Peace on Earth. Ancient records are being revealed, there is an all-encompassing shift in vibration and it is time to activate the full power of your remembrance


This record has the power to change everything

Devote yourself to this golden, Elder, Angelic Far record of the beginning & the Dawn of worlds ~ its language of light, codes of starlight

The truth of who you are


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You have come here gently, and with vast remembrance, to alter everything. I know what it is to seek and lose the ethereal power of this remembrance ~ to stand at the threshold of bringing this here, and to still feel drawn to hide. Or to feel invisibly blocked from bringing it through. I know what it is to elide & disappear over and again, and yet to feel a golden calling far beyond this


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The shamanic pathways of the drum powerfully alter consciousness, opening up the multi-dimensional layers of reality & gifting you access to the full and powerful record of Celestial Oversoul remembrance 


You are the Star of Worlds whose record it reveals and activates ~ your unique & exquisite wisdom, codes, remembrance



Travel the realms to access your own Celestial Galactic, Earthly wisdom and records for the Dawn

Step through the portal into the wisdom of your Soul Star, Oversoul record


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No longer vanishing, eliding, disappearing as once we did ~ the canoes and starships that vanished into the West, leaving this world at the end of the last Great Age of Peace


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Lighting up as a Morningstar, in your radiance as an Infinite, Eternal Soul. 

The time of the Eveningstar is done.

It is a New Age of Light when we walk the Earth clad in our Immortal Starlight once more ~ integrating this radiance here & now

Aurora Monthly



  • 4x LIVE Monthly Elven Starlight Journeys with drum & Elven Starlight Language with Elen
  • Stay attuned to quantum soul star information, guidance, activation & leaps forward in your Ascension
  • Beautiful Elven Library of Meditations, Videos & Full Archives
  • Cancel ANY TIME YOU WISH, effective immediately upon request

Aurora Annual


Single Payment

  • 4x LIVE Monthly Elven Starlight Journeys with drum & Elven Starlight Language with Elen
  • Stay attuned to quantum soul star information, guidance, activation & Leaps forward in your Ascension
  • Beautiful Elven Library of Meditations, Videos & Full Archives
  • A FULL YEAR of journeys, experiencing the complete cycle of inter-dimensional Elven wisdom for the Dawn

"I wish I could put into words all that I feel in my heart about Elen and the Elven Starlight Journey through the Silver Wheel. It is at once the most incredibly deep and most expansive journey to the very core of All and Oneself and its Blossoming and Return and yet also the most beautiful and gentle and graceful. The most powerful and most peaceful. I felt and was told so strongly in my heart that dedicating myself to this Elven journey was all that I needed for my own Return. With each moon I have witnessed that so strongly. Elen is everything I could hope for and more on this journey. It makes my heart sing so completely and I know that as one cycle completes I will wish to remain on and cycle again. I would so heartily recommend this journey to anyone so drawn and would do so with every fibre and beat of my heart and soul."

~ Samantha Oliver

"You hold tremendous and pure Elvin energies that resonate on the deepest soul level of my being. Being a part of the Elvin Starlight Course has been like coming home to my true Self and what I have been waiting for my whole life, so deepest deepest and immense gratitude and thanks for your presence in my life!"

~ Kate O'Sullivan

 "The gentle yet profound teachings that spring forth from Elen and the Elven Starlight Journey, light up my whole being and sing to my soul. I often weep at the pearls of remembrance that drop into my awareness.

During this course, I have learnt to listen again and track my own inner guidance, for I had been so pulled away from my heart by the noise of the world. 

Words cannot really express what this course has gifted me, there are realms beyond realms of inter-dimensional beauty that await you, as and when you step through this divine portal….. “

~ Catherine Truscott

You Can Travel at Your Own Pace 

We travel in accordance with the phases of the moonlight & the Celestial Earthly Stargates of Solstices & Equinoxes, bringing you into harmony with the natural timing of the soul, of an organic Ascension ~ aligning us with the rhythms of the sun, moon, earth and stars. REPLAYS always available for you to watch/listen in your own time, in your beautiful Elven Library of Light

Do I have enough time? This is a journey that GENERATES the TIMELESSNESS of the Soul Star, altering us into spaciousness and flow

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OMGOSH!!!!!!  WOW!

"What a glorious creation you’ve gifted… It’s visually stunning and the content is beyond… 

I had tears streaming down as I read through. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you"

 ~ Molly



“ It has been an astonishing year for me with such beautiful teachings and transmissions. I am so grateful for the beautiful journey with you. You are an amazing woman; kind, full of joy and laughs and so gifted... I thank you for all the beauty I discovered and the growth. To me Silver Wheel is coming home. "

~ Siska 


"Elen Elenna guides and companions our Earth-circled community, as the White Deer, along the ancient future paths, gently nudging and breathing us ever deeper, farther. The Starlight Journey and Elen Elenna are luminous pearls of grace."

~ Meg McGee


“ just ‘wow’ ✨💛✨ the materials I just opened are just exquisite....so so beautiful..... Much love and so so grateful for the beauty I’ve received..... đź’•đź’•đź’•"

~ Catherine 


Frequently Asked Questions


ÂŁ55 per month or ÂŁ555 for the whole year

Elven Aurora Portal

Access your full record, discover your Celestial, Oversoul remembrance. Travel through the stargates of diamond, crystalline ascension transmissions, MOON BY MOON. Embark on a far voyage, walk with me, remember your vast celestial and soul powers

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